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- แบบทดสอบจุดแข็ง Clifton StrengthsFinder
- คอร์สออนไลน์
- ปรึกษาส่วนตัว
- Public Program
- ตาราง Public Program
- Online
Discovery Your True-self
With Clifton StrengthsFinder
ค้นหาตัวตนด้วยจุดแข็ง (3 Hrs) - Work-life Design With Clifton StrengthsFinder
ออกแบบชีวิต ปลดล็อคศักยภาพด้วยจุดแข็ง (1 Day) - Strengths-based Manager (1 Day)
- Strengths-based Leadership in Actions (2 Days)
- Strengths-based Leadership Communication (2 Days)
- Strengths-based Emotional Intelligence & Resilience For Leaders (2 Days)
- หลักสูตร Certified NLP Practitioner
- Special Program
- Online Workshop ทาง zoom
- In-class เรียนสด
- Inner Strengths Mastery with Self Hypnosis
- Inner Strengths Mastery
พัฒนาตนเองจากด้านใน (1 Day) - Personal Styles and Color Analysis Workshop
พัฒนาภาพลักษณ์และการแต่งกาย - Strengths-based Communication for Introvert Leaders (2 Days)
- Smart Personality & Presentation Skills For Success
- LeadershipSPRING™ หลักสูตรพัฒนาทักษะผู้นำ 3 เดือน
- HRBP Development
- BIZ SPRING™ Strengths-based Expert Business Development Program
- StrengthsFinder Workshop For Teen (15-19 ปี)
- หลักสูตรองค์กร
- On-site Training
- Team Synergy Building with CliftonStrengths (1 วัน)
- Executive Team Synergy Alignment with CliftonStrengths (1 วัน)
- Executive Team Synergy Building Workshop (0.5 วัน)
- Leadership SPRING™ | Strengths-based Leadership Development
- Talent SPRING™ | Strengths-based Talent & Successor Development
- Executive SPRING™ | Executive Development Program
- Strengths-based Emotional Intelligence & Resilience For Leaders (1 Day)
- Other Courses
- Executive Team Synergy Alignment
with CliftonStrengths - Smart Personality & Presentation Skills For Success
- Leadership and Growth Mindset
- Leading with Purpose & Growth Mindset
- Culture & Change Leadership
- Vision-Mission-Values Development Program
- Professional Image & Business Etiquettes
- Design Your Career with CliftonStrengths
- Strengths-based Dynamic Selling
- Breakthrough to PRIME™ Workshop
- Well-being With Music
- Collaborative Strategy Development
with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® - Communication with Collaborative Mindset
using DISC - Team Building Together We Can
- Executive Team Synergy Alignment
- Online Training
- Leadership Coaching & Mentoring Program
- Leadership Well-being Development Program
- On-site Training
- About